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Contact Details:


Michel Pleynet
Les Vielles Maisons


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65




Description for B&B:

Our park features bedrooms named after different species of trees. The CATALPA bedroom provides a spacious double bed and a single bed, along with a private bathroom and toilet. In the CEDRE BLEU bedroom, you will find a comfortable double bed and a private bathroom equipped with a shower and toilet. The TAMARIS bedroom offers two single beds and a private bathroom with a shower and toilet. Lastly, the LIERRE bedroom, located in a separate house, includes a large double bed and a bathroom with a shower and toilet. If needed, a crib can be provided upon request. Additionally, we provide a barbecue, fridge, and microwave near the swimming pool for your convenience.


Appréciations pour Les Vielles Maisons, Vaas:

séjour aux vieilles maisons
Review by: heiser jean-claude , Juil 19 2011 7:48PM
super séjour dans le pavillon, propriétaires très sympatiques ,et serviables ,dommage que le temps n'était pas de la partie de (peche) .;...

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To get there, take the A28 highway and exit at Chateau-du-Loir. From there, follow the road towards Vaas and once in Vaas, continue towards Mayet on the D30. The entrance will be on your left, approximately 2km after leaving Vaas village.

If you are coming from La Flêche, take the D305 road and head towards Chateau-du-Loir. Once you reach Vaas, go towards Mayet on the D30. The entrance will be on your left, approximately 2km after leaving Vaas village.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65 65 25 oui


Swimming Pool


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  • Zoo de La Flèche: Situated in La Flèche, this popular zoo is home to a wide range of animals from around the world. Visitors can observe various species, including lions, elephants, giraffes, and penguins, and enjoy educational presentations and interactive experiences.
  • Château de Villandry: Located in Villandry, this Renaissance-style castle is renowned for its stunning formal gardens. Visitors can explore the meticulously designed gardens featuring geometric patterns, sculptures, and vibrant flower beds, and also tour the castle's interior.
  • Prieuré de Saint-Cosme: Situated in La Riche, this former priory is known for its association with the famous French poet Pierre de Ronsard. Visitors can explore the peaceful gardens, visit the poet's room, and learn about his life and works through informative exhibits.
  • Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans: Situated in Le Mans, this world-famous race track hosts the renowned 24 Hours of Le Mans endurance race. Visitors can explore the circuit, visit the museum showcasing the history of the race, and even experience the thrill of driving on the track through various driving experiences.
  • Château de Saumur: Located in Saumur, this stunning castle overlooks the Loire River and offers panoramic views of the city. Visitors can explore the castle's various rooms, learn about its history through multimedia exhibits, and witness equestrian shows at the National Riding School.
  • Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud: Situated in Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, this impressive abbey complex is the largest remaining medieval abbey in Europe. Visitors can explore the abbey's church, cloisters, and chapter house, and also visit the tombs of prominent historical figures, including Eleanor of Aquitaine and Richard the Lionheart.
  • Musée du Compagnonnage: Located in Tours, this museum showcases the rich tradition of the "compagnonnage" craft guilds in France. Visitors can explore the museum's extensive collection of tools, artifacts, and works of art related to various trades, and learn about the history and values of the craftsmen.
  • Château d'Azay-le-Rideau: Situated in Azay-le-Rideau, this fairytale-like castle is built on an island in the Indre River. Visitors can admire the castle's elegant Renaissance architecture, stroll through its picturesque gardens, and learn about its history through informative displays. 10. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours: Located in Tours, this art museum houses a diverse collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts from different periods. Visitors can admire works by renowned artists such as Rembrandt, Rubens, and Monet, and explore the museum's temporary exhibitions showcasing contemporary art. Please note that the distance and accessibility to these attractions may vary. It is advisable to check opening hours and transportation options before planning your visit.

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